Social Media Presence

Social Media Presence

In this modern era, healthcare professionals need to understand the reach and impact of social media.

According to the Digital Global Overview Report (2023), 81% of Australians are active social media users. As such, platforms including Instagram, can serve as a great way to disseminate important medical information. And of course, as demographics and technology uptake continues this trend will only to continue to grow.

Whilst social media can provide great opportunities, there are ethical and legal challenges for the medical industry such as obtaining consent and disseminating poor-quality information that can be difficult to navigate. That is where we come in.

At Medical Sphere, we know back-to-front the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines regarding social media use. We ensure platforms are used in an appropriate manner, and in a way that factor in both your brand reputation, medical speciaility and tailor our campaigns for your patients.

Our creative and clinical team work collaboratively with you and your team to implement a plan for your social media platforms.


Meltwater and We are Social (2023). Digital 2023 Global Overview Report. London.